Since hail can cause the rainfall estimates to be higher than what is actually occurring, steps are taken to prevent these high dBZ values from being converted to rainfall. Hail is a good reflector of energy and will return very high dBZ values. These values are estimates of the rainfall per hour, updated each volume scan, with rainfall accumulated over time. Depending on the type of weather occurring and the area of the U.S., forecasters use a set of rainrates which are associated to the dBZ values. Advertisement Map features To display additional map features, select listed options. Weather observations Select 'Weather Observations' in the 'Map Features' below to display the observations here and on the radar map. The higher the dBZ, the stronger the rainrate. Click anywhere on radar image, to set a new origin. Typically, light rain is occurring when the dBZ value reaches 20. The scale of dBZ values is also related to the intensity of rainfall. The value of the dBZ depends upon the mode the radar is in at the time the image was created. Notice the color on each scale remains the same in both operational modes, only the values change. The other scale (near left) represents dBZ values when the radar is in precipitation mode (dBZ values from 5 to 75). One scale (far left) represents dBZ values when the radar is in clear air mode (dBZ values from -28 to +28). Weather Radar Map WEATHER DETAILS Newton, KS Windchill 59☏ Daily Rain 0' Dew Point 39☏ Monthly Rain - Humidity 48 Avg. Each reflectivity image you see includes one of two color scales. The dBZ values increase as the strength of the signal returned to the radar increases. So, a more convenient number for calculations and comparison, a decibel (or logarithmic) scale (dBZ), is used. Reflectivity (designated by the letter Z) covers a wide range of signals (from very weak to very strong). "Reflectivity" is the amount of transmitted power returned to the radar receiver. The proposed goal pertains to federal fiscal years 2022 through 2024.The colors are the different echo intensities (reflectivity) measured in dBZ (decibels of Z) during each elevation scan. The City of Newton hereby announces its proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 6.2% for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) airport construction projects. This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Newton, Kansas. As of 2020, the city population is 18846. For more information on the airport's industrial sites, visit the Harvey County Economic Development Council. Overall, Newton, Kansas has a moderate climate, with occasional extremes of both heat and cold. But business interests of a non-aviation nature are just as attracted to this site. After a lengthy discussion, the Newton City Commission decided not to amend an ordinance for a Newton family to keep their son’s pot-bellied pig. The airport's industrial park offers a diverse base of aviation-related businesses. Looking for a new base for your corporate aircraft? Need to expand your business operation? After-hours service available at no charge with quantity fuel purchase. There are 85 T-hangars and over 135 based aircraft. The airport has over 14 businesses based on the airfield that offer numerous functions to the airport, including flight instruction, airframe and power plant maintenance and repairs, award-winning aircraft restoration, as well as new and used aircraft sales, ferrying and delivery. WiFi wireless Internet is provided for the convenience of airport guests. The addition of an enclosed observation vestibule provides a comfortable area for public viewing of flightline operations. Enjoy big airport services including radar coverage right down to the ramp without the hassles of a control tower.Ī modern 3,870 square foot terminal features a fully equipped pilot lounge and seating area, administrative offices and conference room, as well as skylights in an attractive display atrium. Newton City/County Airport's primary runway is over 7,000 feet long with an ILS and GPS approach. Today, EWK primarily serves Harvey County as a transport facility, but has been designated by the FAA as a general aviation reliever airport for Wichita’s Mid-Continent Airport. It is jointly owned by the City of Newton and Harvey County, and a seven-member Aviation Commission acts as an advisory group to the City and Harvey County Commissioners.

Navy, the airport was converted to a municipal facility after World War II. Originally constructed as an auxiliary flight training facility for the U.S. Newton City/County Airport (designated EWK) is located 2 miles east of Newton on approximately 800 acres.